Put simply, everyone and everything has a story to tell. Isn’t it wonderful that a simple conversation, series of images or piece of music can unravel a journey so unique that one can become lost in the moment? It can be joyous, heartbreaking, awe-inspiring and just about everything in between.
Stories help us make sense of the world around us. They help us to relate to others, discover motivation and facilitate change. They can help us appreciate different perspectives and immerse ourselves in the world of others. Why, one could claim they are almost magical.
Here on our modest little storytelling platform we’ve been somewhat quiet of late. It often hasn’t felt comfortable sharing stories when the world feels upside down. And for us, and many others, it has felt like that for most of 2020.
One realisation we have come to is that the importance of storytelling hasn’t dissipated. In fact, as Tasmania looks to find a road forward, storytelling feels more important than ever. We quietly look at what’s ahead, and for many, the path to defining normality lies in exploring heartfelt passions and sharing unique stories – both the good and the bad.
As humans, we tend to relate to personal tales with ease. Sharing a story, purposeful or not, can have an impact so lasting that we often don’t appreciate its true significance. Storytelling can contribute to inclusion, to connection and ultimately bring about significant change.
Our beautiful friends in Tasmanian business are a prime example. The hard times of late have created a stark reality that many will be forced to rely on their stories as a key part of their rebuilding process. Individual truths will form key support mechanisms in the re-emergence that Tasmania now faces. They will serve as a tangible assets that we can immerse ourselves in, becoming a beacon for authenticity and reconnection.
It can be tough doing business in Tasmania. Distance certainly plays a role, input costs are often high and extra challenges abound in terms of scaling. But despite all that, we’ve built a successful artisanal business community who have learnt to adapt in order to survive. The underdog wins again – and usually on the back of an extraordinary story that the world has bought into.
Right now those stories are needed more than ever. People are aching to connect and to champion those willing to dare with true difference. Share your passion, reveal the journey and unveil the hardships. There’s never been a better time to be truly genuine and celebrate local Tassie culture.
There’s a lot of talk about the new normal at the moment. It’s important to dig within and define that new normal based on honest passions. Only by channelling that can we influence a successful and sustainable way forward.
Storytelling – embrace it in Tasmania’s transformation.
Be real and be you.